/ Events Archive / CLOA AGM & Conference 2023

CLOA AGM & Conference 2023

The focus of the AGM was ‘Let’s Get Digital!’ with a programme curated to highlight how technology is being used innovatively to create solutions that engage people in new ways and improve people’s lives.

Alongside the formal AGM business, there was a line-up of keynote speakers, a member showcase, and updates from our sponsors highlighting how their work relates to the conference theme.

Papers from the AGM

You can also view a recording of the AGM here.

Keynote Speakers

Tiina Hill, British Library gave a talk that explored how as leaders we can use technology for good, as an enabler to make our services more user focused and inclusive, and to meet the needs and expectations of consumers in the digital age. Tiina also covered LibraryOn – a programme of digital transformation for the library sector.

You can view a recording of the session here.

Jonny Curley, Alliance Leisure – highlighted physical activity innovation sharing some recent developments that have delivered truly immersive environments.  He also touched on future opportunities including competitive socialising, gamification, VR and web3. 

You can view a recording of the session here.

Dr Freddie Mason, Lead Creative Strategist and Sophie Barker, Senior Project Director of the Shakespeare Museum, Bompas & Parr

Freddie provided an insight into the future of immersivity, based on past and future projects and Sophie shared learnings from The Museum of Shakespeare, built around the archaeological remains of the Elizabethan Curtain Theatre, Shoreditch. Since the AGM Bompas and Parr have published What is the Future of the Museum? in which they strip the experience back to its raw material, identify trends and speculate on what the future might be over the next decade and beyond.

You can view a recording of the session here.

Showcase Content

This showcase highlighted how CLOA members are using digital technology innovatively to create solutions that engage people in new ways or improve people’s lives. Below is a summary of the initiatives featured; you can view the showcase presentations here and a recording of the session here.

  • Digital Spaces – VR and Immersive Audio experience in Coventry libraries Dave Lloyd, Service Development Manager, Coventry Libraries and Information Service
  • Immersive Fitness Studio in Westminster offering enhanced experiences for exercise – Sagar Barua, Relationship Manager – Leisure, Westminster Council
  • Reminiscence project for care homes in Bridgend using VR films of significant local areas – Nicola Edwards, Creative Wellbeing Manager, Awen Cultural Trust
  • Interactive History – accessible, multi-lingual interpretation (inc BSL) at Rhondda Heritage Park – Darren Macey, Operational Manager, Rhondda Heritage Park  
  • Beat the Street; the impact on tackling inactivity in an area of high deprivation(Active Essex) – Kerry McDonald, LDP Senior Project Manager, Active Essex
  • Barnsley digital projects in Eldon Street, town centre and the historic village of Elsecar – John Tanner, Programme Manager – Heritage Development, Barnsley MBC

Sponsor Platform

Christian Barlow and Phil White, Xn Leisure introduced Ticket Hub, the game-changing module that will transform the way you sell your activities and revolutionize your productivity!

Simon Beer, Bigwave Marketing provided an overview of some of the latest industry trends in digital marketing and how to reach your audiences.

You can view a recording of the sponsor platform here.