Chaired by CLOA Executive member Rob Campbell, this roundtable explored what an LVEP is and the benefits it can bring using Visit West as an example. The event also share case-studies of successful Destination Management Plans, providing an overview of the key components of these essential documents and how they can be generated collaboratively with buy-in from the visitor economy sector.
You can watch a recording of the webinar here (1hour 24 mins)
Anke Monestel, Head of Regional Development and Engagement at Visit England talked about The LVEP Programme – creating a more effective tourism landscape across England.
Kathryn Davis, Managing Director of Visit West presented on the topic of ‘Understanding your audience. Developing a regional Destination Management Plan with local distinction’.
Charlotte Cain, Visitor Economy Partnership Development Manager at Staffordshire County Council gave an overview of the visitor economy action plan (VEAP) for the 10 Local Authorities, and its destination partners, which adds value to existing activity, highlights where collaboration can reap greater rewards and is supporting the development of the Growth Plan that all LVEPs need to achieve.