/ Membership / Membership Categories

Membership Categories

Individual Membership

We welcome applications for Individual Membership of CLOA from all strategic leaders working directly in the local government environment, and who hold direct managerial responsibility for culture and leisure services.

Individual membership is also available to sole traders within the commercial sector who make a significant contribution to culture and leisure services.  Applications from all such individuals will need to be agreed by the CLOA Executive.

Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership of CLOA is available to organisations where it would be difficult to identify one individual with overall and specific cross-cultural and leisure responsibility or where more than one individual within the organisation is eligible for membership.

It is also open to companies making significant contribution to public sector culture and leisure services.  Applications from all such organisations will need to be agreed by the CLOA Executive.

Categories and Fees (excluding VAT) from April 2023:

Individual£160 + VAT
Corporate (up to 6 members)£480 + VAT
Retired (not open to new members)£30 + VAT

Membership runs from April 1st to March 31st each year, although we welcome applications at any time and apply a pro-rata subscription.

Join CLOA now

Furthermore, in recognition that membership of a professional association is necessary for your work, you may be able to deduct the cost of membership subscriptions from your taxable income and reduce the amount of tax you pay.

CLOA is one of the professional bodies approved by HM Revenue & Customs you can find more information on getting tax relief on your CLOA subscription here