The leadership ambition is to:
Encourage and convene a network focused on finding the best and most effective and efficient ways of raising levels of physical activity; particularly addressing the stubborn inequalities that exist in many local communities where activity rates are much lower than other areas. Local government’s role as place leaders will be at the heart of the network.
The leadership group, supported by the vibrant network should together:
1. Lead the shared ambition.
2. Ensure we have a common language and clear focus across the system.
3. Help coordinate, share, and co-produce the best possible evidence to support the development of national policy and resource allocation, nationally, regionally, sub regionally and locally.
4. Be a key forum for Government and key partners to consult with, on place-based physical activity leadership.
5. Be proactive in our planning, working upstream to best develop our ideas.
6. Be open to innovation and emergent ideas.
7. Stimulate innovation: around engagement of, and with, communities, residents and citizens.
8. Draw upon national and international learning; recognise that we may need to talk about ‘active citizenship’, alongside ‘active wellbeing’ to tackle health inequalities.
9. Creating conditions for change: advocating through our policy and funding approaches.
10. Consider the future leadership, skills and competencies, required to increase place-based physical activity.
11. Identify pressures (or barriers) within the system and what needs the greatest support.
12. Create a positive culture, building an environment of trust and support for each other.
13. Help each organisation best place themselves within the physical activity system, to make the most of resources and expertise together.
14. Challenge ourselves and continually review our effectiveness.