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A more active community is a healthier, stronger and more prosperous community

The Place-based Physical Activity Leadership Network (PPALN) recognises the need for an integrated approach to tackling inactivity and the vital role a range of organisations play in enabling more active and healthy communities.

Members of PPALN and the previous network (Local Government Physical Activity Partnership) work collaboratively to produce Think Pieces and report papers to share knowledge and best practice, stimulate discussion and encourage partners to create sustainable solutions that meet the need of local communities.

Think Pieces

An active wellbeing service: A movement for change
Physical Activity Strategic Think Piece
Why an Active Community Needs to be at the Heart of Renewal


Securing the Future of Public Sport and Leisure Services: Summary Report
Envisaging a social prescribing fund in England

Support Tools

Briefing for Council Heads of Service, Directors and CEOs: Securing the Future of Public Sport and Leisure Services


National system work to embed physical activity in NHS policy & practice by Tom Burton
Systems and change by Karen Creavin
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