Move Together launched in July 2021 and provides a supportive, personalised pathway for people with long-term health conditions across Oxfordshire to become more active. Coordinated by Active Oxfordshire in partnership with Oxfordshire’s District Councils, the pathway is an excellent example of systems change, collaboration and a whole systems approach to physical activity. Funded by Oxfordshire County Council Public Health and the BOB Integrated Care Board, this preventative approach provides the tools and behaviour change support to enable self-management for people with existing conditions and ultimately aims to reduce pressure on health and social care services.
Moving more, in a way that works for you, is hugely beneficial. Move Together provides referral or self-referral routes for individuals and can help you to better manage a long-term health condition, increase your energy levels, help with mood, or weight management and overall improve your physical and mental health. Being active is about finding what works for you and Move Together coordinators provide personalised behavioural support, physical activity advice, motivation, and signposting to a variety of activities based on individuals needs and preferences, Including home activity support, digital options, community activity and specialist exercise interventions (e.g., Exercise Referral).
To hear from those involved in the pathway and participants that have benefitted, you can see our Move Together video in the link below:
We’ve achieved some excellent outcomes and feedback from participants, shown below.