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Abbeycroft Leisure


Stand Tall™ is a programme which develops emotional resilience in 11- 18 years olds across West Suffolk.

Actions taken

A series of workshops provide wellbeing education and practical support alongside physical activity to keep young people healthy, physically and mentally. Stand Tall™ was developed by Abbeycroft Leisure and has evolved into a model based on the Suffolk Mind Emotional Needs and Resources Tool, specifically adapted for young people.

Stand Tall™ is designed to help young people to:

  • Understand more about keeping a healthy mind
  • Experience the benefits of being active in a small social group
  • Help improve low feelings, anxiety, stress or lack of motivation
  • Improve concentration, confidence and self-esteem


  • 84% of students completed the course
  • 87% said that the physical activity had had a positive impact on them
  • 55% of those that took part were more active
  • 30% experienced improvements to sleep
  • 87% felt able to take more control over their own wellbeing
  • 90% experienced improvements with feelings of anxiety and Depression by 13%
  • Return on Investment for 8 courses £58,002 per annum from 2020

Results and benefits

IES Breckland School received two courses which 22 young people attended, almost 3 months after completing the courses they reported the following feedback

“Those who participated from IES (bar 1) have not visited the Student Support Centre with emotional, sleep or friendship issues since participating in the project. It feels they can self-regulate and self sooth with little adult intervention and we have seen a huge growth in their self-confidence and self esteem.”

Young people said:

  • “I’m feeling happy, I feel more confident with my body.”
  • “It’s just made me happy and enjoy life more.”
  • “I feel like I can now control myself in all or most situations.”
  • “How it made me recognise how I am and what I am doing.”
  • “I would definitely recommend this programme and it’s good for people who can’t afford it.”
  • “Having since completed the course (I am) having more sleep, and I feel more prepared to go to school now because before I always used to rush to do homework on the night or the lesson before but now I plan before.”

Parents said:

  • “I feel it’s given her more incentive to live a healthier life and that has also encouraged me to be more active.”
  • “More focused and a lot more aware of the actual support he has and how he can access it.”
  • “He has certainly improved at home.”

“Stand Tall™ has shown it has a significant impact on the wellbeing of young people, sharing knowledge, tools and information devised in partnership with Suffolk Mind with support with content specifically devised for teenagers. The programme is delivered in a community, school or leisure setting, bringing together the benefits of physical activity with Suffolk Mind’s Emotional Needs Met Approach which has been powerful in improving feelings of wellbeing in the young people, as well as giving them tools to understand and use to improve their resilience and mental health”

Jon Neal, CEO Suffolk MIND

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