This virtual session was a collaboration between CLOA and Libraries Connected and explored how library services are building on the innovation during the pandemic to develop a ‘three channel’ service (digital, physical and outside the walls) to provide maximum engagement and impact for users and contribute towards local strategic priorities.
The session was hosted by Iain Varah, CLOA Executive Committee Member, and included the following keynote address and case study presentations:
• Isobel Hunter, CEO, Libraries Connected gave an introduction to the session highlighting how the pandemic has shown the interconnected importance of ‘phygital’, as well as showing how each channel can be developed.
• Anita Luby, Head of Cultural Services for Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure talked about how end of life and bereavement support is offered through the Death Positive Library project and how the original format has been adapted for online and outreach.
• David Hayden, Service Manager – Development, Somerset Libraries highlighted how digital device lending has been targeted at job seekers; with librarians selecting content that links back to resources in libraries, and also promoting participation in job seekers groups.
• Robin Crawshaw, Reading Development Manager, Lancashire Libraries focused on how they are offering catch-up support for young people’s education and learning through delivery of their SCART project in libraries, online, and at Outdoor Education sites.
The session was a chance to think about how best a ‘phygital’ offer can be developed locally, encouraging reflection on what was learnt during lockdown and how elements that were put in place as part of the emergency response can be retained as part of the mix.