This virtual roundtable event covered identifying opportunities in both urban and rural settings, understanding the local drivers, how to build momentum and ensure community ownership and considerations around sustainability.
The session was hosted by Jayne Knight, CLOA Executive Committee Member (and Arts Development Manager, Suffolk County Council); the speaker presentations can be download below:
Genevieve Christie, Director of First Light – case study on how a First Light Festival, a free 24-hour multi arts festival on the beach in Lowestoft has bolstered pride and underpinned inclusive growth and regeneration in a deprived coastal setting
Symon Easton, Birmingham City Council – case study how an industrial area is being reinvigorated by live music and street food once a month through Digbeth First Friday
Jon Hunt, Coventry City Council – case study outlining how they use Broadgate Square for Sports Fest to offer a week long programme of free wellbeing and physical activities with local clubs.
You can watch a recording of the session if you were not able to join or share with colleagues here, which also features a panel discussion regarding how the absence of venue need not be a barrier when you have the great outdoors!