/ Events Archive / CLOA AGM & Conference 2024

CLOA AGM & Conference 2024

The theme of the conference was ‘Creating better health outcomes for all: through physical activity, culture and creativity’, with a programme devised to help members think differently about physical activity, culture and creativity at neighbourhood level.

Alongside the formal AGM business, there was a line-up of keynote speakers, a members showcase, and updates from our sponsors highlighting how their work relates to the conference theme.

Papers from the AGM

You can also view a recording of the AGM here. (34min 47)

Keynote Speakers

Imran Hasmi, Principal Researcher at Big Local shared the impact and lessons of Local Trust’s Big Local project, which gave places £1 million to spend improving their areas, health and wellbeing.

You can view a recording of the session here. (25min 55)

Dr Heema Shukla, Chair of the Arts and Health Special Interest Group – Faculty of Public Health – highlighted in an address how arts, creativity and culture can play a crucial role in improving the health and wellbeing of the population.

You can view a recording of the session here. (23min 21)

Dr William Bird, Founder of Intelligent Health – focused on how to build the resilience of communities using data, insight and lots of talking!

You can view a recording of the session here. (27min)

Showcase Content

This CLOA members showcase highlighted successful evidence-based system change using physical activity, culture and creativity.

Below is a summary of the initiatives featured; you can view the showcase presentations here and a recording of the session here. (45min 14)

  • Calderdale Creativity and Health Programme – Development of a system wide programme resulting in longer lives, better lived and stronger, more connected communities.  Bobsie Robinson, Cultural Service Manager & David McQuillan, Project Lead, Calderdale Council
  • Dancin’ Oxford – a whole systems approach to using dance in a way that builds community connections and reduces barriers to participation.  Claire Thompson, Arts Development Officer, Oxford City Council
  • Bach a Iach – an online portfolio of free training workshops for pre-school and primary schools in that focusses on developing and nurturing Nutrition and Physical Literacy. Elin Wozencraft, Senior Sport & Active Community Development Manager, Powys Council
  • Well-being and social cohesion through RePresenting Bloomsbury – using creativity to explore cultural heritage, place and identity. Suzie Plumb, Arts Development Officer, Camden Council

Sponsor Platform

Jack Woodley, Kajima Community introduced the BookingsPlus platform and shared how Local Authorities can maximise community use of their space by optimising the customer journey.

Christian Barlow, Xn Leisure showcased Xn Leisure Systems innovative solutions, inclusive programs, and community outreach.

Penny Rinta-Suski, Blake Morgan talked about contracting with third parties to achieve better health outcomes.

Gemma Ross & Adam Fiori, Bigwave Marketing gave an overview of a January gym marketing campaign with a difference.

You can view a recording of the sponsor platform here. (42min 45)