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An Active Wellbeing Service: A Movement for Change

The Place-based Physical Activity Leadership Network (PPALN) seeks to build on the previous work of the Local Government Physical Activity Partnership (LGPAP), but will look to widen our engagement and collaboration, to recognise the complexity of tackling health inequalities together.
This new evolving network has published a first think piece An Active Wellbeing Service: A Movement for Change. We know that health inequalities remain stubborn across many communities, but that physical activity in all its forms, holds a super preventive power. Through collaboration and selfless approaches, we believe we can truly create change so that everyone can benefit from being more physically active.
This think piece sets out the leadership networks’ initial thinking; some context of the challenge, the widening inequalities in society; four building blocks which we believe are important to focus upon, and some brilliant case studies that show change is already happening. However, we need to create movement for change at scale, whilst acknowledging every place and community is different. The paper includes starter prioritised ideas for the whole system of leaders too. Everyone has a role to play.
This is early days for the evolving network, and this think piece is exactly that: something to encourage wider engagement across the system on how we truly tackle health inequalities through physical activity. We know the passion and responsibility for tackling physical activity is across many different sectors and communities of interest, so please spread the word. The network welcomes feedback on the think piece so that together we can create a real Movement For Change: reducing health inequalities and improving the quality of life for all.

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