/ Events Archive / Insight into Insourcing

Insight into Insourcing

In this current climate Councils may find themselves considering insourcing for a number of reasons such as financial drivers, performance management or political imperatives. This virtual roundtable shared two differing case studies that highlighted how insourcing was arrived at as the most viable option, the process involved, the importance of risk management, lessons learnt and the benefits already being realised.

The session was hosted by Debbie Kaye, Chair of CLOA (Head of Community Services – Cambridge City Council)

  • Karen Whitfield, Head of Leisure & Cultural Services, South Kesteven District Council offered a case study outlining the strategic rationale surrounding the transfer of leisure services to a Local Authority Trading Company.
  • Jane Wilson, Director of Neighbourhoods & Communities, Cambridge City Council gave a case study that reflected on the process and learning arising from the unavoidable transfer of Cambridge Live back in-house.
  • Samantha Ramanah,  Adviser – Culture, Tourism and Sport, LGA presented a summary of A guide to the emergency insourcing of leisure services.